Guidelines for authors

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be sent by email to Each submission must include an abstract in English, a “résumé” in French, and a brief biographical note concerning the author(s).

Submit text as Microsoft Word (.doc or .rtf) files or OpenOffice Writer (.odt) files, using double-spaced lines for body text, and 12-point Times New Roman font.

Submit images as .tif and .png files, with a resolution of 300 dpi (pixels per inch). .jpg files will be accepted only if the compression rate does not impair the image quality.

There are no limits on the length of submitted texts or the number of still images, video or audio files it includes. Although the preferred languages for submissions are French and English, submissions in any modern language will be considered.

Every submission will be acknowledged by email. The Editorial Board will organize anonymous peer review of all submissions by scholars of international standing in the field of Jules Verne Studies.

There are three possible outcomes for submissions: acceptance, rejection, or provisional acceptance. In the last case, the author will be asked to modify his or her text according to the recommendations of the peer reviewers. Texts accepted for the current annual volume are posted online throughout the year, as soon as they have been accepted by the journal’s Editorial Board and readied for publication.

During the correction and/or modification phases, authors will make revisions on the version of their texts received from the Verniana Editorial Board, and not on the version originally submitted to the journal.

These rules also apply to reviews of books, films, DVDs, etc.

Style Requirements

Text must be free of all formatting except as specified below. Submissions with automatic numbering or other special formatting will be rejected without review.

Document all sources as appropriate, but do not use footnotes. Endnotes are preferred.

Citations must follow current Modern Language Association (MLA) style guidelines. For the most current MLA guidelines, see for example, or the following book:

Modern Language Association. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Seventh Edition. New York, Modern Language Association, 2009.

Representative summaries of the guidelines are easily found on the WWW.

Use curved (“smart”) quotation marks (“__”), not the strong (straight) versions ("__")

Use one space after periods (.), commas (,), ellipses (...), question marks (?), and exclamation points (!) with no preceding spaces. Do not use double spaces after a period, exclamation mark or question mark.

No spaces should appear in text separated by the slash/virgule (/) or decimal point (.)

Years and centuries should be written as follows: 20th century (not 19th c. or 19th or XIXth) and the 1870s (not the 70s or ’70s).

Short quotes (1 to 2 lines) are between “quotation marks”; longer quotes (more than 2 lines) should be separated from the surrounding text and indented without quotation marks.

Titles of books, magazines, journals, movies, and plays are italicized (unless otherwise stated in the article). In French titles, only the first letter of the first word and proper names are capitalized. If the first word in a French title is an article, the first letter of the first noun is also capitalized, along with the adjective preceding it, if any. (Examples: Michel Strogoff, Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin, Cinq semaines en ballon, Le Beau Danube jaune, Une Ville flottante). In English titles, the first letter of every word is capitalized except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions (Jules Verne at Home, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea).